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He’s Just Not That Into You & Confessions of a Shopaholic

So how many times should something be repeated before a woman gets it? More than twice, it seems.

First, we have Jack Berger from Sex and the City saying it to Miranda when she was asking him if a certain guy was interested in her when he did not respond to her invitations. The answer was “He’s just not that into you.”

The phrase has sparked a whole new industry for self-help books, one aptly titled well, “He’s Just Not That Into You”


So what comes after the book? Of course, we have the movie (with Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Drew Barrymore, Ben Affleck) with the same title due for release around 6 Feb 2009. Just in time before Valentine’s Day for tons of women to realise some hard-hitting truth.  Trailer available here

3rd time is a charm, I say.

After watching this, you can always gather a few friends to cheer yourself up by watching “Confessions of a Shopaholic” due for release around 13 Feb 2009.

I read all the books, and I can never forget a scene from the book whereby she was deciding whether to buy the lilac or the clementine colored shoes, and in the end, due to a nagging inner voice (to stop spending so much), she went only for the lilac ones. As she sat down after to have a cup of coffee, the only thing running through her mind was “I want those clementine shoes”. Yes, there are many times where I do succumb to buying multiple colors of the same items. 🙂

Trailer of Confessions available here 

Can’t wait for February. 🙂

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